according to greek mythology, the world’s first vine was created by dionysus in his grief over the loss of the young satyr, ampelos. one myth says that while riding a bull, ampelos boasted at the moon goddess, selene. ‘give me best, selene, horned driver of cattle! now i am both--i have horns and i ride a bull!’ she became enraged at his insolence and caused the bull to throw the boy, goring him to death. to honor his childhood beloved, dionysus transformed ampelos into the first grape vine and set him amongst the stars. realizing what nectar this vine created, the god set off on a crusade to “civilize” mankind, inducting them into the religion of winemaking, theater, and ecstasy.

enter our sanctuary! wanting to provide dallas—and more specifically Oak Cliff—the best the natural wine world has to offer, two wine devotees banded together to bring you ampelos: a wine & bottle shop for the bacchants of the area. we worship the old gods here, and wine is consecrated daily to our boy, ampelos, the personification of the vine.

in dedication to the ancient origins of wine and the myths of dionysus, an “outsider” god, genderbender, and champion for the marginalized, we are bringing forth this shop to embrace all seeking a community for wine made faithfully. we present this divine beverage as it is meant to be consumed: with joy, without arrogance, and produced by other disciples who share in the belief of making wine with reverence.